The director of INTREPID Lab is elected from among the members of the Board. The mains responsabilities of the INTREPID Lab Director are, among others, to prepare the multi-annual plans to be submitted to the FCT, and prepare the annual activity plans and the corresponding budget of the INTREPID Lab.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is made up of three researchers, integrated or collaborators, from INTREPID Lab and who do not belong to the Board. The members of the Executive Board are elected by the researchers for a three-year, non-renewable term of office.
Scientific Board
The INTREPID Lab Scientific Board is made up of integrated researchers and meets in plenary sessions. The Scientific Board is responsible for defining appropriate medium and long-term strategies to pursue INTREPID Lab's purposes.
Soci(et)al Board
The Soci(et)al Board is made up of three researchers, integrated or collaborators, from INTREPID Lab. The Corporate Committee's responsibilities include, among others, supporting the Director in connecting with the community and transferring knowledge.
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of four members, invited for this purpose by the Director. The elements that comprise the Scientific Advisory Board are personalities of recognized international and national scientific merit, with work developed within INTREPID Lab's research areas.
Community Advisory Board
The Community Advisory Board consists of four members who are invited by the INTREPID Lab Director. These members are distinguished individuals of both international and national professional standing, with expertise aligned with the research domains of the INTREPID Lab.
Peer Review Board
The Peer Review Board is an advisory board, and its objective is to ensure the adoption of high ethical standards within the scope of teaching, research, and intervention activities developed within the context of the INTREPID Lab.
Plenary Council
The Plenary Council of the INTREPID Lab comprises all researchers currently affiliated with the Centre and is presided over by a board consisting of a President and a Secretary. This encompasses members from various constituent entities of the INTREPID Lab.