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universidade lusófona
Blended Intensive Programs

BIP – Blended Intensive Program: Community impacts of creative tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs in rural areas

The course aims to provide an immersive learning experience in the themes of: Lifestyle entrepreneurs, Creative tourism and impacts of these types of entrepreneurs on the local community in rural areas.

6-13 March, 2024 (2nd EDITION), Lisbon and Gois

Through a series of lectures, workshops, fieldwork, and collaborative work, students will be guided through an innovative blended learning process to achieve first-hand experience with interviewing, analysis and presentation of results on these themes. In this way, both their practical research skills will improve and by adopting an agile (learning by doing) approach to pedagogy, students will achieve lasting learning. With Universidade de Roma 'Tor Vergata', Itália and Universității Babeș-Bolyai, Roménia.