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universidade lusófona

Ana Paula Pereira Caetano

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Faculty of Economics, Social and Business Sciences
Lusofona University

Ana Paula Caetano graduated in Social Work and a master's degree in Psychology, specializing in Family and Systemic Intervention. Her professional activity, between 2008 and 2023, focused on coordinating projects promoting health and social inclusion for people in a homeless situation and with addictive behaviors and dependencies. As a Social Worker, she was part of an outreach harm reduction specialized team. In the academic field, she published 6 scientific articles, 12 poster presentations, and 4 communications (national and international). She has received 3 awards/distinctions for these poster presentations. Since 2021/2022, she has been a Social Work PhD student at Coimbra University and Católica University. She currently works as a professor at Lusófona University (FCESE) and recently integrated the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD). Her research interests focus on themes related to Social Work practices and Social Policies, namely Welfare Deservingness.

Ciência ID

Felgueiras, S. F., Caetano, A. P., Teixeira, M., & Almeida, C. D. (s.d.). A Implementação de Políticas Nacionais e Locais para as Pessoas em Situação de Sem-Abrigo em Portugal: Práticas de Intervenção Social.

Fonseca, C., Teixeira, M., Caetano, A. P., & Rodrigues, P. F. S. (s.d.). Satisfação com a vida, bem-estar e felicidade: Estudo exploratório com pessoas idosas.

Santos, C. C., Caetano, A. P., & Mónico, L., (s.d.). Social Workers’ Perception about Welfare Deservingness: The challenge of a fair distribution of opportunities. A Southern welfare scoping review.