Cláudia Maria Huber

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Economics, Social and Business Sciences
Lusofona University
Claudia Maria Huber has been a lecturer at the Lusófona University of Porto since 2020. Between 2013-2019 she worked as a professor at Católica de Santa Catarina, in Joinville / Santa Catarina, Brazil. Between 2008-2011, she managed the people management area at Unimed Noroeste. From 2006-2008, she took over coordinating the Department of Personnel at the University of Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ). At the same time, she constituted a management consultancy, called "VR Consultoria Organizacional", working in the public and private areas. With post-doctorate and doctorate in Management at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (Portugal). Master in Development from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, UNIJUÍ (Brazil). Specialization in People Management from the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai e das Missões, URI (Brazil). And, a degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Cruz Alta, UNICRUZ (Brazil). Research interests are related to management, particularly in people management. She developed her research activity at the Intrepid Lab, which was recently integrated as a hub of CETRAD - Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development.
Ciência ID
Scopus Author ID
Manuel, C.D.; Magalhães, C.R.; Huber, C.M.; Smerek, L.; Costa, A.F.; Alves, J.R. Cross-Cultural Adaptation of a Questionnaire Measuring Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards the Environment. Adm. Sci. 2024, 14, 57.