Eduardo Luís de Campos Soares Tomé

Associate Professor
School of Economic and Organizational Sciences
Lusofona University
Eduardo Tome B Econ, M Econ, PhD is an active researcher and teacher in the domain of the economics of human resources. He also plays an important role in the network of research active European academics in his field of study. To date he has had 64 papers published in peer-reviewed journals which he has authored or co-authored and 115 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings. He has also authored 15 book chapters. He is a member of the Editorial Board of several peer-reviewed Journals. He has received several Honours, among two Prizes for Scientific Achievement. Eduardo Tome teaches a variety of subjects on both undergraduate and post graduate programmes. He is also active as a supervisor where he works with undergraduates, master students and PhD students. He is noted for his success with both masters and doctoral students. He also lectures on a PhD programme. He is equally comfortable teaching in both Portuguese and English. He can also speak, read and write in French and Spanish. Long before Covid-19 he used online platforms (emails, Moodle, Blackboard, Skype, etc) as a complementary form of communication with students and colleagues, a situation that has been made essential after the pandemic. Eduardo Tome has a significant presence among the academic community in general and especially those interested in intangibles. Since 2009, he has organized well-attended international conferences for his university on themes such as knowledge management, human resource development, and intellectual capital. With friends he created the TAKE Conference, which has been held every year since 2016., with the exception of 2020. The conferences enlarged the external focus and international relationships of his activities. All conferences resulted in spin-offs such as special issues of journals. These event have brought both prestige and financial rewards to the university . Currently he is a member of GOVCOPP of UnIversidade de Aveiro, Intrepid of UTAD and teaches at Univerisidade Lusofona.
Researcher ID
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Tomé, E., de Campos, J., & Gromova, E. (2024). Gender Bias in Succession in Family Companies: Theoretical Analysis With Application to a Portuguese Region. Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research, 7(1), 388-394.
Gromova, E., & Tomé, E. (2024). Research Methods: Is Agile Different? In A. I. Azevedo (Ed.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies (1 ed., pp. 115-120). (European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.