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universidade lusófona

Maria Isabel Andrés Marques

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Associate Professor
School of Economic and Organizational Sciences
Lusofona University

Maria Isabel Andrés Marques has a PhD in Tourism Sciences from the Université de Perpignan (2008). She has a Master's degree in Cultural and Tourism Engineering from the same university (2005) and a degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (1992). She is an Associate Professor at Lusófona University (Centro Universitário Lusófona - Porto), in the Faculty of Economic, Social and Business Sciences and Director of the 1st cycle in Tourism and Tourism Business Management and the 2nd cycle in Management and Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality. She carries out her research at the Intrepid Lab, which was recently integrated as a pole of CETRAD - Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development. Her main studies and publications, including book chapters, articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings, are based on the themes of Tourism and Social Sustainability, Heritage, Culture and Tourism; Gastronomy and Tourism; Diaspora Tourism; Destination Branding; Destination Images and Sustainable Tourism.

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Machado, M. J., Brasão, A., Marques, M. I., Martins, H., & Mateus, A. (2024). The impact of online learning on business and economics students’ motivation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Business: Theory and Practice25(1), 119–131.