Miguel Justiniano Baião dos Santos

Associate Professor
School of Economic and Organizational Sciences
Lusofona University
MIGUEL BAIÃO. Holds a Ph.D and a Master Degree in Economic Sociology (Lisbon School of Economics and Management - ISEG/Lisbon University). He also holds a Bachelor Degree in Agronomic Engineering (Rural Extension ) from Évora University. Associate Professor at Lusófona University - Lisbon. Researcher at CSG/SOCIUS (Research Centre in Economic and Organizational Sociology) at ISEG/Lisbon University. He is currently Director of the "MBA in Advanced Human Resources Management" and Director of the "Post-graduate Studies in Business and Organisations Management". He was, among other positions, Consultant of the European Training Foundation (ETF) for Central Asia; Vice-President of the National Agency for Qualification and Professional Education (ANQEP).; Director of the Employment and Vocational Training Center of Sintra (IEFP); Regional Director of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Directorate of the National Agency for Adult Education and Training (ANEFA) and Policy Officer at the European Commission/DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, in Brussels. Currently he is Senior Policy Officer at IEFP. Editorial Board Member of the "Journal of Human Resource Management". Author of more than 40 scientific and technical articles, published in national and international scientific and academic journals.
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Baião, Miguel (2020-2024). International Country Expert. Towards the European Web Intelligence Hub — European System for Collection and Analysis of Online Job Advertisement Data (WIH-OJA); Project Reference: 2020/S113-273040; Funded by CEDEFOP/EUROSTAT; Participating institutions: Università degli Studi di Milano- Bicocca-Italy/CRISP Research Centre - Milano/Italy; Coordinator: Prof. Fabio Mercorio-University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy. Project Duration : 2020-2024.
Baião, M., Guedes, I. & Martins, P. (2024). A Long-Term Evaluation of a Short Training Program for the Unemployed: Exploring Administrative Data. Journal of Human Resource Management. (Vol.2, Issue 1). DOI: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20241201.11