Sandra Patrícia Araújo Bento
Assistant Professor
Patrícia Araújo is a Professor and a researcher at TRIE- The Transdisciplinary Research Center of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystems (TRIE), Assistant Professor at the Lusófona-Portugal Group (ISLA Santarém and ISMAT), and Invited Adjunt Professor at IPP-ISCAP/Porto EXECUTIVE ACADEMY. She has a degree and Master's degrees from the University of Porto in Psychology, having obtained a second Master's degree in Coaching, Emotional Management and Mindfulness from the Queen I International University of Castilla and a Doctorate (Ph.D) in Organizational Psychology from the University of Porto. In Her PhD she founded and researched the phenomenon of Anemployment (INEMPREGO), and Created the Anemployment Theory. She also has a postgraduate degree in Business Management and is a specialist Professor (Specialist Title) in Management and Administration (CNAEF 345) by the Consorcio Ipmaia/Ipluso/IslaSantarém/Isla Gaia. She worked as a professor at the Portuguese Catholic University, Jean Piaget University of Benguela and Gregório Semedo University, having been Director of the Gregório Semedo University (Lubango Campus). She is a full/efective member of the Order of Psychologists (n.º269) and for more than a decade she has been involved in projects co-financed by the European Union (in consortium with IEFP, University of Porto, etc.), related to employability, equal opportunities, promotion of new work models (Entrepreneurship, teleworking, etc.) and insertion into active life. She currently supervises Master¿s Thesis in HUman resources Marketing Management/Internal marketing, Business Management and Human Resources, with a specialization in Human Resources Marketing, namely in the issues of organizational happiness and HR marketing and Employer Branding, as well as in the area of meditation and well-being at work. SHe is CEO of Metodo Positivo Consult- Consultoria, Coaching, Mindfulness & Yoga, crossing several areas of work and scientific research, always related to human potential and development. In 2006, she began her meditative path, including Mindfulness meditation, first obtaining certification as an instructor by the Portuguese Yoga Federation. For around 15 years she has been a facilitator of various types of meditation, maintaining an eclectic and even comparative stance of centrative and decentered meditative practices and incorporating the scientific and investigative component (and its westernization). With an integrative line of organizational psychology, marketing and management focused on well-being at work, he defends the title of Specialist in Management and Administration in the theme of management anchored in happiness, currently seeking transdisciplinarity between multiple actors and sciences. She is an international instructor (in Portuguese and English), at the largest meditation app in the world, InsightTimer, where she is one of the few instructors in Portuguese (from Portugal) and bilingual. In addition to being a Writer and Trainer, she is a researcher, having authored more than 85 publications - book chapters, technical articles and articles in national and international scientific journals. She has 20 years of organizational experience as a consultant, professional trainer and management positions in several sectors.
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Patrícia Araújo is a Professor and a researcher at TRIE- The Transdisciplinary Research Center of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystems (TRIE), Assistant Professor at the Lusófona-Portugal Group (ISLA Santarém and ISMAT), and Invited Adjunt Professor at IPP-ISCAP/Porto EXECUTIVE ACADEMY. She has a degree and Master's degrees from the University of Porto in Psychology, having obtained a second Master's degree in Coaching, Emotional Management and Mindfulness from the Queen I International University of Castilla and a Doctorate (Ph.D) in Organizational Psychology from the University of Porto. In Her PhD she founded and researched the phenomenon of Anemployment (INEMPREGO), and Created the Anemployment Theory. She also has a postgraduate degree in Business Management and is a specialist Professor (Specialist Title) in Management and Administration (CNAEF 345) by the Consorcio Ipmaia/Ipluso/IslaSantarém/Isla Gaia. She worked as a professor at the Portuguese Catholic University, Jean Piaget University of Benguela and Gregório Semedo University, having been Director of the Gregório Semedo University (Lubango Campus). She is a full/efective member of the Order of Psychologists (n.º269) and for more than a decade she has been involved in projects co-financed by the European Union (in consortium with IEFP, University of Porto, etc.), related to employability, equal opportunities, promotion of new work models (Entrepreneurship, teleworking, etc.) and insertion into active life. She currently supervises Master¿s Thesis in HUman resources Marketing Management/Internal marketing, Business Management and Human Resources, with a specialization in Human Resources Marketing, namely in the issues of organizational happiness and HR marketing and Employer Branding, as well as in the area of meditation and well-being at work. SHe is CEO of Metodo Positivo Consult- Consultoria, Coaching, Mindfulness & Yoga, crossing several areas of work and scientific research, always related to human potential and development. In 2006, she began her meditative path, including Mindfulness meditation, first obtaining certification as an instructor by the Portuguese Yoga Federation. For around 15 years she has been a facilitator of various types of meditation, maintaining an eclectic and even comparative stance of centrative and decentered meditative practices and incorporating the scientific and investigative component (and its westernization). With an integrative line of organizational psychology, marketing and management focused on well-being at work, he defends the title of Specialist in Management and Administration in the theme of management anchored in happiness, currently seeking transdisciplinarity between multiple actors and sciences. She is an international instructor (in Portuguese and English), at the largest meditation app in the world, InsightTimer, where she is one of the few instructors in Portuguese (from Portugal) and bilingual. In addition to being a Writer and Trainer, she is a researcher, having authored more than 85 publications - book chapters, technical articles and articles in national and international scientific journals. She has 20 years of organizational experience as a consultant, professional trainer and management positions in several sectors.
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