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universidade lusófona

Sandra Paula Mendes da Cruz

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Adjunct Professor

Postdoctoral degree (CEOT) UID/MULTI/00631/2013 CEOT in and Postdoctoral researcher in GIS in the project Going Organic/ UID/Multi/00631/2013 at the University of Algarve (PT).

FCT. Ph.D. in  Population Biology at the University of Algarve - CCMAR.

PhD Student in the scientific area of Economic and Management Sciences Faculty of Economy at University of Algarve.

Executive Education: Days on Advanced Corporate Reporting: Advanced Update knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)- INDEG - ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa: Lisboa, Lisboa.

In terms of research, it is an Integrated Member of CEOT-Centre for Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Telecommunications and a Collaborate as a Student Member of the Centre for Studies and Advanced Training in Management and Economics (CEFAGE).

Scopus Author ID
Researcher ID
Ciência ID

Cruz, S. P*.
, Dias, R., Varela, M., & Galvão, R. (2024). Integrated Reporting: A Literature Review. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(4), e06675.
(*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed)

Presentations at conferences and seminars:
Cruz, S.P. (2024) Sustainable Drive Tourism Routes: A Systematic Literature Review. BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES-Road-based Tourism Routes: paths to territorial cohesion, sustainable tourism and heritage enhancement. (21-06-2024) University of Coimbra.

Cruz, S.P. (2024) Tourist Profile at EN2 road: a preliminary study. BLENDED INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES-Road-based Tourism Routes: paths to territorial cohesion, sustainable tourism and heritage enhancement. (21-06-2024) University of Coimbra